Monday, June 2, 2008

I know AdSense but... how to I use it?

Of course you can't use AdSense on the Internet without something supporting it behind, like a blog or any other kind of website.

As with Google AdSense you get ads that are keyword specific, you'll probably get ads that are related to your website content, so you won't have to worry about it.

What you'll have to worry about is having a nice, visited website, as the more people you get daily on the blog, the more money you will probably make.

One question that's usually asked is about buying a domain or using a free one. Well, if you want to go fancy and professional, you should get your own domain. This is specially important if you're selling something, as you'll be much more likely to be taken seriously if you have your own domain. About buying a server of using a free service, this is up to you, but of course paid servers are more reliable...

If you want to go with a blog, there are several reliable services that are free, like this blog, running on

For making a website, you have 2 options: you either learn HTML and use it; or try one of the many services online. Remember, your website must look appealing to the user, it should never be confusing and the user must at all times know where he must click to go where he wants. These are rather simple tips and tricks of making a good website, but I haven't mentioned one thing: content.

"Go big or go home" - Ever heard this? Well, it's true. You either write a lot and update your website a lot or you won't be able to run a real big business online.

"Ok, now I have a website... so what?". I know it's never easy to start a new website from scratch and gain reliable users. That's why you must submit your website into search engines; that's why you must talk about it in forums; that's why you could use AdWords. Don't know what AdWords is? Well, it's a service provided by Google, where you pay monthly to get your ads on hundreds of pages, the ones that have AdSense. And the best is that you only pay for the persons who actually enter your website, you won't actually pay for showing the ads. I'll probably talk about AdWords soon, so be sure to check back sometime soon (you can subscribe to my post on the right).

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